Thursday 13 December 2012

Antipodean Busch, rooted in Embach

If you really want to get away from Embach, the furthest you can possibly go while staying on planet Earth, is New Zealand. In fact, Stewart Island, just off the main South Island is our true antipode.

However, near the southern tip of the North Island one can find a small enclave where memories of this Austrian alpine village are cherished. Busch Hansei, a nickname given because he was a gardener, left Austria in 1956 to find work and adventure. He settled in New Zealand and apart from a brief period back in the old country, has lived there ever since.

Now 90, Hans is hale and hearty and still caring for his garden as well as himself. His living room is hung with pictures and mementos of Embach, the Maria Eland chapel and a school skiing outing in 1936. He was an enthusiastic skier and Hans has fond memories of outings and people he skied with.

When we visited him early one morning, he soon brewed up a strong coffee fortified with a dose of schnaps. No longer able to make the journey back to Embach, a surprise visit was „like, better than Christmas“ even though he had not known us before. It was enough that we came from “his” village.

Now we are back in snowy Embach, away from the warm summer antipodean sun, and are able to bring news to Hans' former friends and neighbours of his yearning for Embach and his pleasure when he receives phone calls or news by post. Busch Hansei is something of a legend in the village.

Despite the many years he has been away and the great distance between Embach and New Zealand, gardener Hans has not forgotten where his roots lie: firmly planted in Embach's soil.

Still a keen gardener at 90, Busch Hansei and visitor

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