Embach's benches offer great views in all directions - are they the secret of resident's longevity? |
23 elderly ladies in Embach received a gift. In this village of 500
people, 23 of them are mothers over 80 years old. Mothers' Day this
year falls on May 12 the day when the Eisheiligen (Ice Saints)
traditionally breath their last gasp of winter air over us. They
didn't disappoint and there hasn't been a lot of celebrating out of
night primary school children entertained their mothers with music
and song – it is impressive to see how many can play an instruments
well enough to perform in public. The programme included accordion, clarinet, french and tenor horn. It is little wonder that the majority
of players in the village band, which comprises 10 per cent of the
population, are under 30.
what do we attribute this longevity and musical talent? Could it be
the popularity with people of all ages of walking the circuit round
the village? It's a 40-minute walk and along the way are
a series of benches which command lovely views of the village and
mountains behind.
bench is different; nothing formal, sometimes little more than a few
boards, sometimes propped against a heustadl (more of these
later). Here is a sample with their views. There's no-one sitting on
them today, but maybe on a warmer day you will be able to take the
weight of your feet and chat with one of the 23 elderly mothers and
listen to the band playing.
Propped against a hay barn, this is a popular, sunny bench with a view of the village and Urbar (below) |
This bench commands a view into the Pongau and of the Buchberg (below) |
On the village circuit, this bench has a great view of the Klingspitz and houses on the "sunnyside" |
Sheltered from the wind by the hay barn, this bench is popular in summer and winter and is not far from the village
Beautiful. You're setting a benchmark in blogging!