Wednesday 25 September 2013

A bloody finale

Sunsets in Embach at this time of year are bloody affairs. The sky a fiery mess of red and orange, flaring around the edge of the few innocent cloudlets, all sharply outlined by the jagged mountains along the Salzach valley. This drama is often preceded by shafts of light beaming mistily between the peaks like a spots on a dusty stage set.

Autumn is a stunning time of year. The days begin with a cloudless blue sky over Embach from where we can look down on the thick carpet of cloud hiding the valley below. It might be hours before they see the sun.

The air is so clear, the surrounding mountains appear zum greifen nah – close enough to touch. The sun soon chases away the morning chill and pink light descends down into the village as the sun rises.

As the day comes to an end, we look west to watch as the mountains and sky paint their final, dramatic scene – a gory, glorious finale…only to repeated again tomorrow.

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